The Queering of the American Child Book Club (Spring 2025)

Mondays @ 4-5:30pm Pacific | American children are learning a lot about sex, "gender," and sexuality in their schools. District administrators, teachers, and even librarians are obsessed with pushing inappropriate topics onto kids, all in the name of fostering "inclusion." Children today learn that they were "assigned a sex at birth" and can change their sex or "gender" at will. Kids are no longer learning to read, write, or do math, but they are learning how to be "radical gender" activists. Meanwhile, school districts keep parents in the dark, hiding critical information about the health and well-being of their children from them.

American education wasn't like this forty years ago. The cult of Queer Theory changed everything. Inspired by the religious teachings of Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Queer Activists "queered" American education. Schools are no longer teaching children how to flourish in society—they are initiating children into the cult of Queer Theory. Once initiated, children "experience the queer" as they adopt a new cult identity and embark on the destructive path of social and medical "transition."

In this book, The Queering of the American Child, Logan Lancing and James Lindsay explain what Queer Theory is, where it comes from, how it got into schools, and what it's doing to children nationwide. The cult of Queer Theory preys on children, and it must be understood if we are ever to stop the madness.

About the Group:
• Length: 6 weeks, 90 minutes per week
• Cost: $35 + the cost of the book
• Limited to 25 participants
• Mondays at 4-5:30 PM Pacific Time (7-8:30pm Eastern/6-7:30pm Central)
• Dates: March 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14, 21
• Leader: Monique Duson

Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation. The week before the group, you will be emailed instructions to join the virtual classroom on Google. Weekly discussions will be held on Zoom.
Fill out the form below in order to register for the Queering of the American Child Virtual Book Club. 

Steps to Register:

1. Fill out this form. This information will NOT be shared with other members. It is just so the discussion leader knows who's in the group. 

2. Pay the $35 registration fee to the discussion group leader below.

NOTE: If you are a $50+ per month donor or volunteer for the Center for Biblical Unity, then your registration is included with your support.
We still need you to fill out this form though, so we have a record of who is planning to attend.

 Email us at

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Mondays @ 4-5:30pm Pacific
American children are learning a lot about sex, "gender," and sexuality in their schools. District administrators, teachers, and even librarians are obsessed with pushing inappropriate topics onto kids, all in the name of fostering "inclusion." Children today learn that they were "assigned a sex at birth" and can change their sex or "gender" at will. Kids are no longer learning to read, write, or do math, but they are learning how to be "radical gender" activists. Meanwhile, school districts keep parents in the dark, hiding critical information about the health and well-being of their children from them.

American education wasn't like this forty years ago. The cult of Queer Theory changed everything. Inspired by the religious teachings of Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Queer Activists "queered" American education. Schools are no longer teaching children how to flourish in society—they are initiating children into the cult of Queer Theory. Once initiated, children "experience the queer" as they adopt a new cult identity and embark on the destructive path of social and medical "transition."

In this book, The Queering of the American Child, Logan Lancing and James Lindsay explain what Queer Theory is, where it comes from, how it got into schools, and what it's doing to children nationwide. The cult of Queer Theory preys on children, and it must be understood if we are ever to stop the madness.

About the Group:
• Length: 6 weeks, 90 minutes per week
• Cost: $35 + the cost of the book
• Limited to 25 participants
• Mondays at 4-5:30 PM Pacific Time (7-8:30pm Eastern/6-7:30pm Central)
• Dates: March 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14, 21
• Leader: Monique Duson

Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation. The week before the group, you will be emailed instructions to join the virtual classroom on Google. Weekly discussions will be held on Zoom.